Three weeks ago, on the weekend of January 25th-27th, GameJam.js 2019 had happened - it was hosted at the Warsaw University of Technology another year in a row.
Another year running Enclave Games have passed, so let's do the usual summary of the last twelve months and highlight entirely missed predictions from the previous one.
Last month of 2018 was rather quiet, as you'd expect - not much had happened in the first half, and the second was taken over by Christmas.
June went through really quick because of the All Hands - first the preparations, then the actual week in San Francisco, and then the next one recovering from jetlag, and another catching up on emails and stuff.
The submission deadline for the js13kGames 2017 competition was September 13th, but it took almost half a year to finish that edition and be able to write a post mortem.
New year started some time ago already, so let's look back at the past twelve months and see what happened, good or bad. If you want to have a good laugh be sure to check my predictions and plans from 2015 and 2016 - some of them crashed into a wall pretty hard.
Last meetup this year was held on Tuesday, November 28th in the same place as usual. It was also the very first one I haven't led personally, because I had laryngitis and couldn't say a word.
We did something brand new this year - organized launch party for the js13kGames competition, as part of the Gamedev.js meetups in Warsaw.
February was a little bit crazy - we were sick most of the time while trying to finish the Flood Escape game before my travel to San Francisco for GDC. It didn't work.
I was invited by the Mozilla's Developer Relations team to help with their presence at the Game Developers Conference and related events happening in San Francisco.