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W3C Games CG November 2023: Godot

During our November W3C Games CG meetup which happened on Tuesday Nov 28th we had Fabio Alessandrelli talking about web port challenges in Godot 4.

End3r's Corner - W3C Games CG November 2023 - Godot on the Web

Godot 4 was released earlier this year. It comes with modernization of the engine both in terms of rendering and architecture. Fabio will present challenges that arose for the Web port, how they got solved and future plans for the platform.

As you might’ve remembered, we already had a presentation about Godot, which was during our June 2021 meetup. Back then it was about the engine in general, while this time we’ve talked about the version 4 along with their efforts (and struggles) to bring the web export to use. Fabio was leading the session and had help from Adam Scott.

End3r's Corner - W3C Games CG November 2023 - Godot threads

Although 3.5 is still recomended if you focus on the web, the work to fix version 4 for that is already ongoing - there’s a chance the Gamedev.js Jam 2024 in April could be a good opportunity to test that already.

After the talk (recording should be up soon) we had many questions raised, discussed and answered - some interesting thoughts on SharedArrayBuffer, WebGPU, and WASM were shared. You can check the minutes for the summary of those here.

End3r's Corner - W3C Games CG November 2023 - Godot people

We’re planning our next W3C Games CG meetup in the middle of January, with Web Install API and AI in games as potential topics, but both are yet to be confirmed though. Still, you can join our group already and actively take part in all the discussions!