Entity Component System

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2019, and plans for 2020

Tradition of laughing while comparing what I wanted to do with Enclave Games in a given year versus what actually happened continues. Let's recap the past year and prepare some plans for the upcoming one that probably won't happen anyway.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2019

Last month of the year, December, have seen a few events, and some swag being shipped to those who were suppose to get it a month or two ago already.


Gamedev.js workshop about ECS

A few days ago, on Saturday December 21st, I've helped organize Gamedev.js workshop where Michał Budzyński and Staś Małolepszy did really cool intro to the Entity Component System using Breakout game's source code as an example.


Gamedev.js Warsaw #12 with meet.js

Another month, another meetup. After the first one this year at Warsaw IT Days 2019 in March, and then Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 in April, we've met again in Codility's office on May 23rd and listen to some top quality talks.