Another month, another meetup. After the first one this year at Warsaw IT Days 2019 in March, and then Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 in April, we’ve met again in Codility’s office on May 23rd and listen to some top quality talks.
Again, Codility hosted us in their place. Unfortunately, they are moving to a bigger office soon, so it was the last time we gathered at Dobra 56.
Like usual, we had three interesting talks that evening.
First talk was given by Piotr Szlachciak - he showed us how he is handling games using the Entity Component System.
Next was Emilia Tyl, who did an overview of her first multiplayer server in JavaScript.
Last talk was given by Paweł Marczewski about his experience building a rougelike game in HTML5, and which tools he used.
After the talks it was the time for the quiz, and giving away some cool prizes from Battlestash.
The official part was over, so we could focus on eating pizza and chatting about games. Check the photo gallery on Facebook and look out for the recordings on our YouTube channel, which should be up soon. See you all next time!