I was interviewed by 4Everland, one of the js13kGames 2021 partners who joined the brand new Decentralized category in the competition this year.
I was quite busy through May, but I can’t say I’m completely happy with the results. Here’s the summary of my work that month.
Yeah, this one will be dedicated to my ego. I'm happy to say that I've been interviewed the first time ever (if you don't count the video interview at Front-Trends 2012, which didn't make it to the final cut because I was so nervous that I said some total crap). The quick question and answer interview with Craig Grannell about the js13kGames competition was made through e-mail and almost immediately posted on .net Magazine's website.
The conference is over and I'm missing it already - it was a blast, continuous party with amazing people! I even forgot about some of the talks, because I was partying and talking with so many amazing people, both speakers and attendees. Everybody that I saw speaking or writing about the event was expressing positive impressions. Can't wait for 2013!