The last couple of months were tough, to say the least. They forced some changes in the plan I had for gamedev-related projects in 2020. The good thing is, given the diversification of our activities around Enclave Games, it shouldn't be that bad, although still an unpleasant shift in focus.
This is big news: Enclave Games was awarded with the Grant for the Web, and we'll be focusing on Web Monetization in at least the next half a year. Read on if you're curious how it all happened.
If you haven't noticed, a new portal from Google launched more than a month ago - it's called GameSnacks, and focuses on delivering fast casual gaming experiences.
It's been a few months since I started working on the Progressive Web Apps series of articles for MDN Web Docs, it was way longer when I wanted to actually start doing that but didn't have the time, yet the story finally have a happy ending.
The year 2016 is already over, so let's see how it went. Was it bad? Better than 2015? Good? See for yourself.
After the incredible trip to Iceland for the first JSConf there I had a week to prepare myself for the next journey, this time a lot closer - to Berlin.
I hate that game, literally. Almost four years ago I started working on it with BlackMoon Design, it was suppose to be the first serious HTML5 game from Enclave Games, but it ended up being a huge pain - here's the story.
Originally planned for March, the new installment of the brave Captain Rogers in the form of a playable demo is finally here - better late than never.
February report was greatly delated because I wanted to finish Wizard Quest first and consider it the February's One Game A Month completed entry, but I failed.
I've worked on a TV game, traveled to Singapore and wrote an article for MDN Games - January was a good month.