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Enclave Games Monthly Report: October 2014

The whole month was focused on the client work, closing the js13kGames competition and speaking at the conferences. It was a tough month – a lot of work and bug fixing, but nothing solid to show, almost no earnings and there are still so many things left to do.


Mostly client work, though it again takes a lot more time than expected. Wizard Quest have to be finished before this year ends though.


Nothing at all. One article is still waiting for the feedback, but it’s getting frustrating to wait a few months and still don’t have it published. I might try to find some other place where it will be published faster.


I talked about my usual topic: Firefox OS and HTML5 Games during the Game Industry Trends conference at the beginning of October in Warsaw. Then there was the whole trip to Poznań for the ZTG Gamedev Convention during the Poznań Game Arena where I did the similar topic. I had a great time there meeting the Polish gamedev community and talking about games in general – check out my blog post about it.


I was finally able to build the game prototype for the Phaser workshop materials, now it’s the time to move it worward. Also managing the js13kGames competition as there are still some things to do.

Plans for the next month

Trying to finish as many unfinished projects as possible.