Yearly Report

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2019, and plans for 2020

Tradition of laughing while comparing what I wanted to do with Enclave Games in a given year versus what actually happened continues. Let's recap the past year and prepare some plans for the upcoming one that probably won't happen anyway.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2018, and plans for 2019

Another year running Enclave Games have passed, so let's do the usual summary of the last twelve months and highlight entirely missed predictions from the previous one.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2017, and plans for 2018

New year started some time ago already, so let's look back at the past twelve months and see what happened, good or bad. If you want to have a good laugh be sure to check my predictions and plans from 2015 and 2016 - some of them crashed into a wall pretty hard.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2016, and plans for 2017

The year 2016 is already over, so let's see how it went. Was it bad? Better than 2015? Good? See for yourself.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games in 2015, and plans for 2016

The past 2015 year was moderately good for me and for Enclave Games. Check out the article if you're interested in what happened over the last 12 months and what are the plans for the future.