Vitaly Friedman


Mozilla Tech Speakers meetup in Paris

After the first meetup in Berlin two years ago it was time to have the second gathering of Mozilla Tech Speakers - this time in the Paris office.


Sneak Peek Into The Future: Selectors, Level 4 - my article for Smashing Magazine

Yesterday my article about CSS Selectors Level 4 was finally published on Smashing Magazine's Coding section - you can go there right away and read it. I just wanted to add a few words about the writing process.


After the Front-Trends 2012 conference

The conference is over and I'm missing it already - it was a blast, continuous party with amazing people! I even forgot about some of the talks, because I was partying and talking with so many amazing people, both speakers and attendees. Everybody that I saw speaking or writing about the event was expressing positive impressions. Can't wait for 2013!