This month's report will be similar to the one from June - I had a longer trip, then returned and gave WebVR talk in Warsaw, while doing js13kGames preparations.
After the three meetups: #1: intro to WebGL and WebVR, #2: A-Frame and React VR and #3: from the trenches we met last weekend and had a workshop learning how to build WebVR games.
March was a busy month - I've finally finished writing the Progressive Web Apps articles and gave a few talks, mostly lessons learned from the js13kGames competition.
The second meetup of the series in Warsaw was held last week, on March 15th - this time I was talking about A-Frame.
Almost two weeks ago, on February 22nd, the first WebVR meetup was organized in Warsaw - a collaboration between Gamedev.js, Meet.js and SwingDev.