Learning the truth that the only constant is change is the most annoying thing someone with a solid plan can experience. Bonus points if you're in the autism spectrum and hate any changes to your plan whatsoever.
Last month, on April 7-8th 2022, the JS Gamedev Summit was held online - a conference focusing on web game development, something that rarely happened in the past years.
The fourth edition of Kernel Gaming Guild (started with KB2) is history, but the good news are: you can catch up on all the recordings if you haven't followed them live.
First W3C Games CG workshop entirely dedicated to blockchain and NFTs in web games happened online on Tuesday March 29th, and it was definitely the weirdest out of all our events so far.
I've participated in two online events in January: Web 3 Round Table by OP Games about gaming now versus gaming in Web 3, and W3C Web Games workshop about next generation monetization.
I wasn't planning much for October, but ended up with a whole lot of online events I've attended and actively participated in over the past month.
Second cohort of the Kernel program, first one game-themed, ended up already, so it's time to summarize all the sessions that we had over those past few weeks.
The ongoing pandemic and the end of the Mozilla Tech Speakers program accelerated my shift in focus towards more writing and coding, but this didn't last for too long.
I'm happy to announce I'm supporting the efforts behind the Kernel's Gaming Guild created by Paul Gadi and the Gitcoin folks - from both Web Gamedev and Web Monetization perspectives.