I'm honored to be listed among the fine folks of the GitHub Stars program, which gathers shining individuals from the world’s largest open source community, though I still think I got mistaken for someone else.
A few days ago, on Saturday December 21st, I've helped organize Gamedev.js workshop where Michał Budzyński and Staś Małolepszy did really cool intro to the Entity Component System using Breakout game's source code as an example.
It was another busy month - I've focused mostly on finishing writing GDevelop tutorial, but also organized Gamedev.js Warsaw #14 meetup, and gave a lightning talk at the JS Poland conference.
Two weeks ago, on Tuesday November 19th, we've gathered for the 14th edition of the Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup - it was hosted in the same building as the previous one (Warsaw #13 was all about js13kGames), but in the different place - a floor below of the WeWork spaces.
A few days ago, on Tuesday October 15th we had our thirteenth Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup, and so a special edition dedicated to js13kGames 2019 was held that day.
One month after we've teamed up with Warsaw IT Days it was time to organize a meetup on our own. Well, kind of - we had some help from our friends running the meet.js Warsaw meetups.
Last meetup this year was held on Tuesday, November 28th in the same place as usual. It was also the very first one I haven't led personally, because I had laryngitis and couldn't say a word.
The last regular meetup happened in June, and then during vacations we had a special js13kGames Launch Party event. After the break we've returned with Gamedev.js Warsaw meetups in October.
We did something brand new this year - organized launch party for the js13kGames competition, as part of the Gamedev.js meetups in Warsaw.
After my talk at the RejectJS conference about Firefox OS and HTML5 games in which I showed Captain Rogers being ported to the Mozilla mobile operating system I thought I'll spend the rest of the month being an attendee at onGameStart and chill out with my friends. But in the meantime there was another event on the way.