July was mostly spent on preparing the js13kGames competition - sending hundreds of emails, acquiring sponsors, judges and prizes.
It was the first Mozilla Work Week happening outside of the USA, and it was in Europe - London, England to be exact. Interestingly enough it took place a week before BREXIT.
May was a relatively positive month even though I wasn't able to finish any new game. I did a little bit of coding, writing and conference attending.
It was a good month even though the gamedev work was highly disrupted by incorporating a new member into the team. She's young, but I know she'll be a great addition in the future.
March 20th 2016 was the release date of my biggest project yet - Kasia Mazur. All she's interested in right now is crying, sleeping and pooping, but in the near future she'll be our Creative Director, Event Coordinator and probably also a QA Tester in the Enclave Games family.
February report was greatly delated because I wanted to finish Wizard Quest first and consider it the February's One Game A Month completed entry, but I failed.
I've worked on a TV game, traveled to Singapore and wrote an article for MDN Games - January was a good month.
The past 2015 year was moderately good for me and for Enclave Games. Check out the article if you're interested in what happened over the last 12 months and what are the plans for the future.
I had the great pleasure to be invited to the Mozilla Work Week which took place in Orlando, Florida, USA on the week of December 7th-11th. It was my second Work Week as the first one was in Whistler six months earlier. This was a special one because we were spending our time next to the Disney World.
I spent November writing gamedev articles for MDN, demoing WebVR in London and realizing I finished a game some time ago already.