We really wanted to participate in the Global Game Jam 2017 that was held in January - it was the first time with our baby girl Kasia, who was born a year ago.
I participated in Global Game Jam 2016 happening last weekend and this is the first time that I can actually say it was a good one as I was able to finish the game - even the smallest one. Here's how the Ritual Duel was created.
I spent November writing gamedev articles for MDN, demoing WebVR in London and realizing I finished a game some time ago already.
I haven't released any new games in a very long time, because I focused on a variety of other gamedev projects even more than usual. There are finally some good news though - more work on Wizard Quest 'in the meantime' and the newest game, Caveman Grru.
The js13kGames competition has started and with only a small delay I was able to finish Triskaidekaphobia, the game that promotes the competition. Triskaidekaphobia means the fear of the number thirteen, as for me it’s the perfect title for the game.
The story behind Full Immersion is way shorter than those about Monser Wants Candy and Hungry Fridge, but I think it’s still worth writing a word or two.
It’s time for another monthly report – this time for June. I’m quite happy with that month as I finished some of the projects I was working on for way too long.
I wanted to complete a full year with One Game a Month challenge, but I failed miserably in January, so I’m just trying to finish some of the games I started half a year ago or so. The last time it was Monser Wants Candy – started in October 2013, finished in July 2014. Now’s the time for Hungry Fridge – started in November 2013, finished… right now.
I’ve finally published my third game created with Robert, Monster Wants Candy. As usual, he came with the story and graphic design and I have coded everything up.