The year 2016 is already over, so let's see how it went. Was it bad? Better than 2015? Good? See for yourself.
After the incredible trip to Iceland for the first JSConf there I had a week to prepare myself for the next journey, this time a lot closer - to Berlin.
I decided to take a personal challenge and try to make one game per month this year. Half of that time already passed, so let's see how it worked so far.
It was a good month even though the gamedev work was highly disrupted by incorporating a new member into the team. She's young, but I know she'll be a great addition in the future.
As you probably noticed I'm trying to keep up building at least one game per month this year. It's not that easy, but the game jams can help achieve the goal - that's why I've decided to take part in Ludum Dare #35 last weekend.
March 20th 2016 was the release date of my biggest project yet - Kasia Mazur. All she's interested in right now is crying, sleeping and pooping, but in the near future she'll be our Creative Director, Event Coordinator and probably also a QA Tester in the Enclave Games family.
The story behind Full Immersion is way shorter than those about Monser Wants Candy and Hungry Fridge, but I think it’s still worth writing a word or two.
It’s the beginning of May so it’s time for the next monthly report – April. I still think I’m developing games way too slow, but I’m trying to work on that.