
Enclave Games

I hate Wizard Quest

I hate that game, literally. Almost four years ago I started working on it with BlackMoon Design, it was suppose to be the first serious HTML5 game from Enclave Games, but it ended up being a huge pain - here's the story.

Enclave Games

Caveman Grru - the making of

I haven't released any new games in a very long time, because I focused on a variety of other gamedev projects even more than usual. There are finally some good news though - more work on Wizard Quest 'in the meantime' and the newest game, Caveman Grru.


Falsy Values: return of the truthy conference

After what would seem an eternity the Falsy Values conference has returned. The first edition was held in 2011 and then the Front-Trends conference took over. This year we finally had both in a single year - with Front-Trends in May and Falsy Values in October.


The js13kGames 2015 competition has started!

The next, fourth edition of the js13kGames competition just started - you have a whole month to create an HTML5 game in only 13 kilobytes.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2015

February was quite different from what I was planning to do, and that’s good. Instead of putting more and more pressure on finishing Wizard Quest, I decided to finish some client work. Due to various reasons there was little to none of that, so I was able to spend a whole lot of time working on my game.

Enclave Games

Captain Rogers for Firefox OS and Mozilla Marketplace

As you may already know we’ve launched our first HTML5 mobile game called Captain Rogers. It was optimized and prepared for the Firefox OS devices (I’ve got one after the App Workshops thanks to Mozilla!) and published in the Firefox Marketplace. The main focus will be put on that platform and the ecosystem. There are only days left till the official launch, so it should be interesting. The first commercial Firefox OS devices were announced today and will be available very soon.

Enclave Games

Hello gamedev world!

Time to start blogging! As you can see it’s just the bare minimum – an Octopress instance with the Classic Light theme. I wanted to have this blog prettier, but hell – too many times I didn’t start something because it wasn’t 100% ready and after some time it died and never saw the light. So here I am, braking my own rules, having “just the basics”. You can say whatever you like, I’m just going to focus on the content and hopefully at some point I’ll have a shiny, original and beautiful blog with everything just as I wanted.

Gamedev announces HTML5 gamedev compo for students

The guys from (supporters of the first js13kGames competition) have started their own compo for students that are (or want to be) also an HTML5 game developers. There's over $10,000 in prizes, so it's a good idea to check it out, learn making games and actually finish one.


New website for onGameStart 2012 conference is online!

It's official and it's already waiting for you to come along and play! The new website for a second edition of the first ever and definitely the best HTML5 games conference in the world is online. What's so special about it? Well, the whole website is... a game!


ImpactJS - HTML5 game engine and licenses giveaway!

There's a lot of HTML5 game engines in the wild, most of them created in the last couple of months. Everyone can find something to suit their needs, doesn't matter if they have strong programming skills or just want to drag some pictures on the scene and 'make first game'. Despite huge choice options, it's not that easy to find the perfect one. Let's see why I think you should check out ImpactJS, as it's for sure one of the best HTML5 game engines you can find.