This month's report is almost three weeks late, but I had my reasons: it was very busy recently, mostly js13kGames, MozFest, and WebBR.
I was lucky enough to be asked by Loup Design handling the Grant for the Web fund for Coil to showcase Web Monetized games at the Mozilla Festival's arcade booth - we were showing both Enclave Games creations and js13kGames entries from the Web Monetization category, and tossed in a WebXR game as it's always fun to play VR games at such events.
The past 2015 year was moderately good for me and for Enclave Games. Check out the article if you're interested in what happened over the last 12 months and what are the plans for the future.
I haven't released any new games in a very long time, because I focused on a variety of other gamedev projects even more than usual. There are finally some good news though - more work on Wizard Quest 'in the meantime' and the newest game, Caveman Grru.
After what would seem an eternity the Falsy Values conference has returned. The first edition was held in 2011 and then the Front-Trends conference took over. This year we finally had both in a single year - with Front-Trends in May and Falsy Values in October.
As expected, September was full of work on the js13kGames competition. I was able to travel a little bit in the meantime, but it wasn't much - I visited Lublin and Berlin.
I had the pleasure of visiting my home town and speaking at the local meet.js Lublin meetup - on September 3rd I gave a talk about the Gamepad API.
February was quite different from what I was planning to do, and that’s good. Instead of putting more and more pressure on finishing Wizard Quest, I decided to finish some client work. Due to various reasons there was little to none of that, so I was able to spend a whole lot of time working on my game.
Monthly report for the first month of 2015, January, is here. There’s more to be documented than in December, but the budget is still “behind the schedule”, to say it softly. My main priority right now is to finish, close and monetize two cilent projects “I’m working on” for far too long already.
Let’s write something different than a monthly report this time. The game Hungry Fridge was redesigned, so you can enjoy the new graphics with the same gameplay – let’s see how it went.