
After the Front-Trends 2012 conference

The conference is over and I'm missing it already - it was a blast, continuous party with amazing people! I even forgot about some of the talks, because I was partying and talking with so many amazing people, both speakers and attendees. Everybody that I saw speaking or writing about the event was expressing positive impressions. Can't wait for 2013!


Web-5 conference - sun, grapes and Open Web technologies

First edition of Web-5 conference will take place in Béziers, France on 4-6 April 2012. If you wanna taste the red wine, feel the warm sun on your skin and listen to some great speakers talking about HTML5, JavaScript and other Open Web technologies, then Web-5 is just for you!


ImpactJS - HTML5 game engine and licenses giveaway!

There's a lot of HTML5 game engines in the wild, most of them created in the last couple of months. Everyone can find something to suit their needs, doesn't matter if they have strong programming skills or just want to drag some pictures on the scene and 'make first game'. Despite huge choice options, it's not that easy to find the perfect one. Let's see why I think you should check out ImpactJS, as it's for sure one of the best HTML5 game engines you can find.


The new beginning

I was thinking about starting a blog in english for a couple of months, and I finally got myself kicked in the butt lately, so here it is! I'm not going to abandon my front-end blog written in polish, but I'll try to separate some topics here and there.