I decided to take a personal challenge and try to make one game per month this year. Half of that time already passed, so let's see how it worked so far.
March 20th 2016 was the release date of my biggest project yet - Kasia Mazur. All she's interested in right now is crying, sleeping and pooping, but in the near future she'll be our Creative Director, Event Coordinator and probably also a QA Tester in the Enclave Games family.
I participated in Global Game Jam 2016 happening last weekend and this is the first time that I can actually say it was a good one as I was able to finish the game - even the smallest one. Here's how the Ritual Duel was created.
Monthly report for the first month of 2015, January, is here. There’s more to be documented than in December, but the budget is still “behind the schedule”, to say it softly. My main priority right now is to finish, close and monetize two cilent projects “I’m working on” for far too long already.
Many major cities in the world hosted Global Game Jam this past weekend. I was at the Poznań Game Jam promoting HTML5 and JavaScript as the technology of choice to create the games, along with Firefox OS as the perfect mobile platform for the job.
We’ve attended the Poznan Game Jam last weekend, part of the Global Game Jam happening all over the world, and created a mini game called Postmen of the Galaxy which you can play online. The prototype for something bigger that we’re planning to finish later on was created using Phaser.
Last weekend was full of the game development goodness - I've organized Warsaw Game Jam, the first edition of the Global Game Jam. Thanks to our amazing sponsors - Mozilla and GitHub, we could provide cozy place with good Wi-Fi, food and drinks (mostly beer and pizza) for everybody during the whole weekend. It wasn't only the Game Jam itself, but we were working hard for the Mozilla Game On competition and thinking about fulfilling One Game a Month at the same time. On sunday evening we even had a meet.js meetup with some guys from the Firefox OS team!
In the next three weeks, on January 25th-27th there will be a Global Game Jam - 48h coding marathon for game developers. I'm organizing the Warsaw Game Jam, and there will be three events during one weekend: Global Game Jam mentioned earlier, Mozilla Game On competition and an initiative called One Game a Month. If you're near Warsaw on that weekend come join us!