GDG DevFest


Gamedev.js Warsaw #14

Two weeks ago, on Tuesday November 19th, we've gathered for the 14th edition of the Gamedev.js Warsaw meetup - it was hosted in the same building as the previous one (Warsaw #13 was all about js13kGames), but in the different place - a floor below of the WeWork spaces.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2018

Last month of 2018 was rather quiet, as you'd expect - not much had happened in the first half, and the second was taken over by Christmas.


Campus Warsaw marathon: GDG DevFest, GameCamp and Startup Residency

Google Campus in Warsaw was the place I visited a few times recently, and every single time with a slightly different role and approach, although all of them related to game development.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: December 2017

December is usually less intensive because of the holidays and the end of the year - mine was quite packed though.


Double the fun at the National Stadium in Warsaw: Code Europe and GDG DevFest

Let's quickly summarize two conferences that happened in Warsaw recently: Code Europe on December 7th and GDG DevFest on December 9th. Both events were confirmed very late and both happened just before I flew to Austin for Mozilla's All Hands.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: October 2015

Another month passed by - I've continued my WebVR gamedev activities: writing, talking and demoing. There's still some js13kGames work to be done too.