
Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: November 2015

I spent November writing gamedev articles for MDN, demoing WebVR in London and realizing I finished a game some time ago already.


WebVR talk at the Game Industry Conference

Just like a year ago, I visited Poznań to give a gamedev talk. This time, instead of Firefox OS, I presented about WebVR.


MozLounge at Reject.js and

I had the pleasure to go once again to Reject.js conference after two years when I talked about Firefox OS and HTML5 games, but this time in a totally different role - as someone taking care of the WebVR and Games setup in the Mozilla lounge. My stay was expanded to conference too.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: August 2015

Most of the month was taken over by js13kGames, obviously – sending more emails, accepting the entries and overall competition management. I also had the chance to run a gamedev workshop on another continent.


BrazilJS 2015 - meat, metal and oldschool

My first ever trip to South America lasted a week and ended a few days ago - thanks to Mozilla I was visiting Porto Alegre for BrazilJS, the biggest JavaScript conference in the world. Theme for this year was the ninetees (with Power Rangers and Back to the Future) as JavaScript just turned 20 years old, and all the breaks were filled with metal music.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: May 2015

This time the main focus was put on creating the gamedev materials, so there was little to none work done on the games themselves.


Front-Trends 2015

There was a Front-Trends conference three weeks ago which I attended - it was happening in Warsaw where I live and I was at all the previous editions, so I couldn't miss it also this time.

Enclave Games

Enclave Games Monthly Report: January 2015

Monthly report for the first month of 2015, January, is here. There’s more to be documented than in December, but the budget is still “behind the schedule”, to say it softly. My main priority right now is to finish, close and monetize two cilent projects “I’m working on” for far too long already.


MozRepping at FOSDEM

I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the speakers for the Mozilla DevRoom at the FOSDEM event happening last weekend in Brussels, Belgium.


Two talks in one day during the Hungarian Web Conference

After the successful visit at the ZTG Gamedev Convention I travelled to Budapest in Hungary to give two talks in one day at the Hungarian Web Conference. I was welcomed by the local community and enjoyed my time there.