Learning the truth that the only constant is change is the most annoying thing someone with a solid plan can experience. Bonus points if you're in the autism spectrum and hate any changes to your plan whatsoever.
It's quite incredible and terrible at the same time that it took me about a year (if not even more) from when I started talking about 100 Days of Code to actually starting the challenge, but here it finally is.
Another year running Enclave Games have passed, so let's do the usual summary of the last twelve months and highlight entirely missed predictions from the previous one.
Last month of 2018 was rather quiet, as you'd expect - not much had happened in the first half, and the second was taken over by Christmas.
Monthly Report for October is published a few days after the September one in an attempt to get back to writing and publishing blog posts on time.
Another monthly report delayed by three weeks - I really hope I'll catch up with the writing at some point.
I'm not sure if it's possible to go even deeper, but during the last weekend of January 2018 there was an event inside an event, that was part of the bigger event.