Even though the pandemic is in full swing, there are still some options for online meetups or conferences. And since I gave one talk recently, it would be cool to keep the tradition of posting trip reports afterwards, even though I haven’t travelled anywhere.
I’m all into js13kGames right now, and it’s kind of funny that I realized the fact that “I gave a talk” two weeks after the fact, but it’s still the same month, so it’s not THAT bad, right?
Anyway, I was giving a short intro talk to this year’s js13kGames kick-off meetup that was organized by Sascha Depold from eBay Tech Berlin (thank you Sascha!), and was held online on August 13th. He then did a great talk on tips and tricks for all the folks wanting to dive into building tiny games for the competition, but didn’t know where to start.
The video will be posted soon, but if you still feel like participating (almost three weeks to submit), then I recommend checking out the Kontra.js with Web Maker tutorial written by the micro library author himself.
After the talks we had a quiz with some cool swag as prizes, which are being shipped to the winners by eBay right about now. Congrats to them, as some of the questions were really tough!