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Enclave Games Monthly Report: April 2019

April revolved around 100 Days of Code, Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 meetup and starting the countdown to js13kGames 2019.

Monthly Report about Gamedev.js and js13kGames


Nothing yet, but I started learning Phaser 3 with the intent of rewriting Enclave Phaser Template during 100 Days of Code. It didn’t work out in April, as after only a few days Easter happened, then I spent a few days on preparations for the meetup, and now we have a work-free, week-long May “weekend”. I hope I’ll get back to this next week though.


Wrote a fun piece on how Enclave broke the Internet.


Organized Gamedev.js Warsaw #11 meetup which had a few small flaws, but from the feedback it seems it ended up being a success.


The countdown to js13kGames 2019 has started, so I need to speed up preparations already. Fingers crossed for the new backend development, time to focus on partners, prizes and judges/experts on my side.

Plans for the next month

Take my hands on 100 Days of Code, but properly this time. Also, organize another meetup.