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Enclave Games Monthly Report: February 2019

Not much to tell, given the previous report was written less than two weeks ago. After a few months of trials and tribulations I’ve managed to sort stuff on my laptop and complete a full backup, including a total reinstall of the operating system from scratch.

World Backup Day

My laptop will have his sixth year anniversary this month, and it’s slowly showing signs that I may need a new one soon, so I’m quite happy I’ve finally completed the backup. It’s also a good sign to start fresh with Enclave Games, and pivot back to writing code and releasing games. Fingers crossed.


Nothing yet, but I do hope I’ll have something for you next month already.




I’m struggling to get a venue for Gamedev.js Warsaw. It’s super annoying - I’ve moved the meetup a few times, which was suppose to happen at the end of January, then the end of February, now the end of April is also at risk. I’m losing faith as there’s always something that eventually goes wrong. The only help is when I join forces with other event organizers, usually the Meet.js team. For example, the end of March will have a special event during the Warsaw IT Days.

Other rose from the dead, and it’s more alive than ever before. I stopped writing for almost two months, and then decided I need help to keep it going - a few fine folks joined the crew, we’ve started with the brand new Discord channel, forum, and a bunch of other things like Instagram. It even got me motivated enough to finish HexRoulette and some other related projects.

Plans for the next month

Get familiar with Phaser 3.