I know the World Cup in Russia is closer to the end than the beginning, but given how much lag I have with some of my projects, I’m just happy I was able to post this before the final match. Waiting four years for the next World Cup would definitely not be a good call.
Oh, and I have to make a statement that the graphic resources were ready way before the beginning of World Cup, it’s just me who wasn’t able to deliver them on time. It’s because I was also deep into applying feedback from you all into the version 1.1, which is obviously not finished yet. There are some changes, but the list of things to do is still quite long.
So, I did the “best” thing I could - postpone publishing the new level and not doing the rest of the updates I was suppose to do anyway. Yup, they will be ready when they will be ready. For now, let’s just enjoy the football stadium! Use the cheat code* to access new level instantly:
* If you’ll use the cheat code you’ll automatically play the football level and earn coins, but you’ll be “locked” onto that level. Launch the game without the cheat code to have the access to main menu level selection screen where you can officially unlock it.
And no, it’s not “soccer”. It’s a game where your foot hit the ball. The other one is about carrying an egg in your hand, and it’s called handegg rugby.