I was invited by Flaki to give a talk at the Open Source Budapest meetup - guess what I talked about this time?
As you may know, one of the rules of the js13kGames competition is the fact that beside the minified zip package below 13 kilobytes you have to submit through the form, commented source code have to be uploaded and available on GitHub too, so every single entry out of more than 800 submitted over the years so far is open sourced. So, it was more than obvious I’m going to talk about js13kGames again, but this time from the open source perspective.
I think my talk went ok. As usual, there was lots of cool questions, so it seems the topic itself is interesting enough for people to learn more about it. I also met with Csaba, who is probably one of the very few people (if not the only one) who participated in every single edition of the js13kGames competition since the year 2012!
The interesting fact is that Flaki have prepared the whole audio and video setup at the meetup: the projector, camera, microphones and speakers. And the best part was that he also did the recording and processing part - it was the fastest video delivery I experienced in my professional career. The recording of my js13k talk was available the next day around the noon already.
Beside giving the presentation at the meetup, me and Flaki talked about projects we are working on, the js13kGames competition and the Clouduboy project’s future, but also other aspects of our work, plans for the upcoming months, and such. It was great to catch up face to face as it sometimes may be quite difficult to do online.
It was also a good opportunity to try the local cuisine - Flaki definitely knows where to find good food, and so we had burgers, scrambled eggs hungarian style (always go for the hungarian style), then more burgers and more hungarian style scrambled eggs (this time with Manel). Street soup with a sandwich, and some ice creams. It was delicious, all of it.
We had an hour or two last day in the evening for a walk around the city and enjoy it a little bit after work. I’m so thankful for that as usually my trip looks like this: airport => hotel => venue => hotel => airport. That’s why this time the number of photos is way above the average. Thank you Flaki for your hospitality and the whole experience, it was awesome!