Finally, a not delayed Monthly Report. February was ok-ish given what were the plans - I haven’t worked on any of the gamedev projects, but I did wrote a few articles and attended some events.
Nothing worth mentioning, unfortunately - will get back to it around… April, probably.
Yeah, Progressive Web Apps. Wanted to complete the series in February, but there’s still some work to finish them up. Next on the list is WebVR with A-Frame.
I was mentoring teams at the Edukaton, a hackathon aiming to teach how not to get scammed. I also attended the first WebVR meetup in Warsaw which I helped organize.
The js13kGames t-shirts are reaching developers in US and Canada - the list of people asking “where’s my swag” is shrinking. It’s been two months, and I said it can take up to three, so it’s not that bad.
The js13kGames website was updated to reflect the fact that the preparations for 2018 already started - there’s a countdown timer, and I have some sponsors, judges and prizes to announce already. I also need to find the time to plan what to do with the backend as few people offered their help.
I became a judge in the js1k competition, which is quite amazing - check out the blog post to learn about the details.
Plans for the next month
More events: Meet.js Katowice #30 with Gamedev.js, WebVR meetup #2 and Warsaw IT Days 2018. Finishing up PWA articles and starting up the A-Frame ones for MDN.