Another monthly report delayed by three weeks - I really hope I’ll catch up with the writing at some point.
New year started with the slightly different approach to gamedev than before, which was well explained in the article Enclave Games in 2017, and plans for 2018. During the first month of the year I was able to work on a game and write some articles.
Global Game Jam 2018 was held in the last weekend of January, as usual. We have joined the PolyJam event and worked on our own game demo, Body Guard. It’s nothing more than a tech demo for our collection of simple games, and if we’ll have some free time, we will try to finish it and release as a full version.
Spend a good amount of time this month on writing about Progressive Web Apps for MDN. I’m already past the original deadline, but I’m slowly moving toward finishing the first draft of the whole series.
While participating in Global Game Jam at the PolyJam event in Warsaw, I organized GameJam.js - a little something for the HTML5 game developers there, with a bunch of small prizes. You can read the details in the Jamception blog post.
I’ve finally published two blog posts about js13kGames 2017: Organizing a successful competition that doesn’t scale and Js13kGames 2017 post mortem. With that out of the way I was finally able to start the preparations for 2018.
Plans for the next month
Finish writing PWA articles, try to do a little bit of gamedev, and plan some local events.