The Gamedev.js YouTube channel reached 100 subscribers, so I was able to finally change the channel’s url to a memorable one instead of a random string, and the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter reached 200 issues, so I decided it’s a good excuse to do a little review of other Gamedev.js-related numbers.
Gamedev.js is a local, Polish initiative all about meetups, sometimes workshops and hackathons for Polish gamedev community, while Gamedev.js Weekly is a newsletter in English targeting global developers. Let’s see how both are doing in terms of raw numbers.
One hundred YouTube subscribers on our channel with the recordings of Polish talks from the meetups. Zero budget, almost zero marketing, just those interested in the videos.
Two hundred Gamedev.js Weekly issues over the past years. It started in January 2014 and every single week, (almost) always on Friday, the newsletter is sent to your inbox.
Seven hundred followers of the Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter on Twitter. The account itself is not very active, but it does tweet a link to the new issues whenever they are published.
Eight hundred fans of the Gamedev.js initiative on Facebook, an active web gamedev community in Poland.
One thousand Gamedev.js followers on Twitter. Again, the account is not very active, but it serves both as Polish and English source of news and interesting gamedev-related content.
One thousand four hundred Polish developers in the Gamedev.js Facebook group. We post links to interesting news, usually HTML5 and JavaScript, but sometimes also general gamedev if it’s something important. It’s also a place to ask questions and get help if you got stuck with development of your game.
Four thousand seven hundred Gamedev.js Weekly subscribers. It’s not that impressive if you compare it to other weekly newsletters, but I’m happy with the number anyway. It is entirely based on those who want to read the news and subscribed on their own, you won’t find any fake accounts boosting the number of subscribers here, that’s why the click and open rates are way above the average.
That’s it - a quick look at the current state of social media presence of both accounts, serving as a trivia rather than anything else. Please remember those are natural-grown stats with basically no marketing behind them.