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Enclave Games Monthly Report: October 2016

I’ve spent most of October writing blog posts documenting September activities (be sure to check September’s Report), and mostly just catching up on emails and projects.



Nothing significant to mention here, unfortunately.


I wrote an article for Mozilla Hacks blog about control mechanisms in JavaScript games, which was a summary of the MDN Games series of articles on the same topic.

I also wrote a short blog post about the success story of Evil Glitch, the game that won js13kGames 2016.


No activity in October, although there should be something in November to report.


All the js13kGames prizes were finally sent out, or set to be send - now onto the t-shirts thing, which will definitely take some more time, as usual.

My wife’s portfolio in English was launched at - I’ve prepared the WordPress instance with a custom theme.

The js13kGames Events page was launched on GitHub Pages - see what happened already and add your activities.

Plans for the next month

Preparing for the build HTML5 games with Phaser workshop at the JS Kongress conference at the end of November in Munich, Germany. Also, maybe a similar workshop will be held in Warsaw a week before, but it’s still uncertain.