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Captain Rogers for Firefox OS and Mozilla Marketplace

As you may already know we’ve launched our first HTML5 mobile game called Captain Rogers. It was optimized and prepared for the Firefox OS devices (I’ve got one after the App Workshops thanks to Mozilla!) and [published in the Firefox Marketplace. The main focus will be put on that platform and the ecosystem. There are only days left till the official launch, so it should be interesting. The first commercial Firefox OS devices were announced today and will be available very soon.

The game itself was optimized for Firefox OS which was very quick and easy. The whole documentation was good and in case of any problems there are numbers of people willing to help you (like Jason Weathersby in the first place). As for the help – the newest version will contain six different languages: English, Polish, Spanish (thanks to Kasayasan), French (Boblemarin), German (Niko) and Hungarian (Flaki). It’s not a full translation, just the title of the game and the description in the Marketplace. The game itself is very easy so the description in native language should help players understand the story behind it. I’m not sure if I will be doing full translations of the game (though the French version is somewhat ready for one of the publishers).

The next steps will be to promote the game any way possible – this includes for example integrating it with and adding leaderboards, achievements and advertisements. There are two articles coming: one about building ImpactJS games with very early version of Captain Rogers as an example and the second one about preparing your game for Firefox OS and publishing it in the Firefox Marketplace. I hope I’ll finish both of them soon as they’re already way behind the deadline.